At Carnival House we now have a team of Mental Health Champions who are trained to help raise awareness of mental health, reduce stigma and discrimination, and engage our people in positive mental wellbeing so we can all be our best selves. 

They’re also trained to offer support and signpost you to external support and resources, whether you need a helping hand yourself or are seeking support for a colleague, friend or family member. 

To find out who they are and how to get in touch click here.

Meet your Mental Health Champions

Throughout Mental Health Month our Mental Health Champions will be hosting a couple of sessions to introduce themselves and give you the opportunity to find out more about their role and who they are. Each session has been designed for everyone to be able to participate, whether you’ve experienced mental health issues yourself, are a mental health ally – or would like to be one!

Sessions run on 21 October and 26 October. Book on and access the Zoom details here.

Can’t wait to meet them? A few of our champions have recorded short videos to introduce themselves, share what being a Mental Health Champion is all about and why they have taken on the role.

Just click on their photos below to play the videos… 

Sam Bell

Michelle Harradence

Ian Miller

For more mental health information, advice and support, visit our support available page. You’ll also find lots of self serve resources on The Insider.

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  1. Tyrone Hayward on

    Hi there, love the way this company looks after their staff in so many ways. you’re all doing an amazing job. How would I become a mental Health champion.

    • Charlotte Holloway on

      Hi Tyrone, if you’re interested in becoming a Mental Health Champion yourself, we would love to hear from you. Please email Occupational Health ( with your expression of interest and they’ll be in contact with you to discuss the role in more detail.

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