Ship to shore, always secure

Cyber security – keep it on your radar

We are all vulnerable to the impact of cyber crime. From large organisations to us as individuals, all can be the target of attack and deception and the consequences can be devastating. This page has been created to help you focus on some of the key things you need to know to help protect our business and yourselves. Like how to spot a pesky phishing email, staying safe online and some of the top tips for you to consider when working remotely.  

What is cyber crime?

People looking to compromise our information and systems in order to profit or defraud us for their own gain. Scammers can do this in a whole number of ways.  If you think of Carnival House as… …well as a house – all our clever connected devices make up a virtual front door that can be seen from the street. Smartphones, computers and the internet are now such a fundamental part of life, that it’s difficult to imagine how we’d function (in work or our personal lives) without them. However these all provide potential routes of access to cyber criminals and we all must remain vigilant to ensure we keep them out. 

Why is cyber security important?

Cyber security is all about how we, as individuals and as an organisation can reduce the risk of cyber attacks.  It’s about protecting ourselves and making sure we keep the locks on our virtual door firmly closed to intruders. If those routes in don’t have a pass to get through our security controls – then just like you or I, if we forget our pass – they aren’t getting through the door!  

Read how Naomi Clarke was a victim of an online hack. She shares her experience and what she did to prevent the hackers from using her personal information.

See our short film – on your radar…

What are Carnival UK doing to protect us?

  • Carnival UK have tools to scan emails to see if they’re carrying viruses and if they are from legitimate sources
  • Anti Virus is loaded on all computers (if your machine has been exposed the anti virus will do all the hard work!)
  • We have a Security Operations Team who are always looking out for the latest emerging threats – to help us proactively protect Carnival UK and our Guests
  • We have black lists to block emails sent from potentially unfriendly sources

Our greatest first line of defence is you!

If you receive an email you think may not be legitimate – you have a responsibility to report it to IT Security so we can investigate and add it to the black list if required.

Ok, so it’s important, but what can I do about it?   

No matter which method a cyber criminal uses to attempt to scam you, often – you will need to ask yourself the same questions before acting. 

Always be mindful of…

  • Create secure passwords and limit the amount of information you make available on line
  • Keep your device up to date with the latest software patches
  • Be wary of suspicious emails – watch out for the tell-tale signs
  • Do I know the source/person?
  • Was I expecting to be contacted by them? (Email, telephone, text or chat message)
  • Are they asking me to do something? (Open an attachment or link, or send them information?)
  • Check the source of emails before clicking on a link or downloading an attachment
  • Always connect to Carnival UK systems via Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Look after your devices – report it immediately if lost
  • When working from home, consider your surroundings when using video conferencing, ensure nothing sensitive in nature is visible


If in doubt call it out – contact IT security at:

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