
Shipmates is a sports and social club run by Carnival UK employee volunteers for CUK employees.

What do we do?
We organise a range of social events and activities for members – everything from sports events to nights out, and from pub quizzes to theatre trips.

How do you join?
Membership is open to all CUK staff who are paid through central payroll. If you’d like to join, you can do this by selecting Shipmates on the Interests and Lifestyles page when adding a benefit on myHR Portal. Detailed instructions in regards to how to do this can be found on AskHR – here. The guide can be found at the bottom of the page and is called Adding or Updating a Benefit.

How much is it?
Membership costs just £1 per month – and to make it even easier this is deducted direct from your pay every month.

What’s in it for me?
As a member of Shipmates you’ll get discounted prices on tickets for most events. You can also bring a guest to each event at the discounted price / special discounted family rates for family events. Let us know if there any event you want us to organise and we’ll look into it for you!

Where can I find out more information?
Further information and upcoming event details can be found our facebook page ‘CUK Shipmates’. By joining Shipmates you agree that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of joining Shipmates and agree to abide by the terms and conditions along with any future changes agreed at an Annual General Meeting.

Or email:

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