Health Hero – support for you

As a shoreside employee of Carnival UK, you and your immediate family have free and confidential access, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to Health Hero, your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

Our Fleet colleagues also have EAP support through Guidance Resources. Find out how to access this here.

Call: 0800 3 58 48 58 (outside the UK +44 141 271 7179)
For online support join:
Username: Carnival
Password: Harbour

Accessing EAP

To help you access our EAP online resources and helpline we have summarised all access information below.

How do I log in my EAP account?

To log in you’ll need to create an account. To do this visit and register your details.

How do I access online resources?

Once you have logged in to Health Hero user portal ‘Vclub’ you’ll be able to search for resources relevant to the subject you wish to find more information on. You’ll find the search bar at the top right hand side of the dashboard. You can also access resource by selecting ‘Resources’ from the toolbar at the top of the web page.

What’s the EAP helpline number?

Call 0800 3 58 48 58 from within the UK or +44 141 271 7179 if outside the UK. This number is for all employees including line managers.

How do I access e-counselling?

Each year every employee is able to redeem 6 counselling sessions for free. To redeem counselling sessions you’ll need to log in to ‘Vclub’ and select ‘My counselling’ from your dashboard. Click the tab and type in your log in password to access the ecounselling service. Should you require more than six sessions your case will be reviewed by both EAP and Occupational Health to agree the best solution.

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