Your HESS feedback stations

Our Feedback Stations give everyone the opportunity to get personally involved in how we manage HESS at Carnival.

Each Feedback Station covers Health, Environment, Safety and Security. You can:

  • Report near misses
  • Record HESS conversations
  • Nominate HESS heroes
  • Submit Bright Ideas.

How to use the HESS feedback stations

  • Collect the appropriate card from the feedback station
  • Fill out details of your near miss, HESS conversation, HESS Hero nomination or Bright idea
  • Tick the card if you would like feedback
  • Post it in the box!

Crew should use the Feedback Stations on board to submit near misses.

Online HESS feedback stations – shoreside colleagues only

For our shoreside colleagues, we’re also bringing our HESS feedback stations online, so it’s even easier for you to report a near miss, share a bright idea or nominate your HESS Hero.

Select one of the buttons below to submit your form.

Report a near miss  Tell us your bright idea Nominate your HESS Hero  

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