As a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you’ve access to exclusive employee benefits designed to support your wellbeing, protect your health, and contribute towards a good work life balance.

By clicking on the image below, you’ll find an overview of all benefits available at Carnival UK.*  This interactive guide includes links to more detailed information for each benefit via the Ask HR pages on The Bridge or via the benefit providers own platforms.  If using the Ask HR pages, simply use the A-Z search for the benefit you’re looking for.

If you can’t find the answer to your question get in touch with People Support.

Please be aware the following benefits are paid by Salary Sacrifice.  This means you exchange part of your salary for the benefit and in doing so, you benefit from paying less Tax and National Insurance.

  • Carnival UK Pension Scheme
  • Holiday Trading
  • Give As You Earn (GAYE)
  • Electric Car Scheme
  • Cycle to Work

You may be restricted or declined these benefits if your salary, after any exchange, takes you below the National Living Wage. 

* Many of the benefits detailed in the guide include a combination of contractual and discretionary/non-contractual benefits. Please refer to your contract of employment and the relevant policy for details on if the benefit offered is contractual or discretionary.

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