We’ve looked at how we can make the most of our available car parking to benefit all colleagues when they need to work from Carnival House and have introduced a solution with a company, called Wayleadr, that will:

  • maximise the use of the available parking spaces 
  • enable colleagues to self-serve request for parking spaces 
  • align to our Culture Essential values and provide a fair way of allocating released car parking spaces across all colleagues via an algorithm
  • enable our People and Security Teams to access real time data on who’s parking where and when and provide the company with valuable management information

Please note despite what was shared in the Weekly Update, the electric vehicle chargers won’t be available until 29 April.

Find out how to use Wayleadr by accessing the training materials below

How to set up your account

Electric vehicle charging

Frequently asked questions

Portal information and Registration

Accessibility requests

Car Parks

Motorbikes and bicycles

Booking a parking space

Cancelling/changing a parking space

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