Our HESS Hub

Welcome to Carnival UK’s HESS Hub

The HESS hub is a central location where you’ll find everything you need, relating to health, the environment, safety, and security.

Welcome to the heart of our commitment to Keeping People Safe and Well – the HESS Hub. At Carnival UK, Health, Environment, Safety, and Security (HESS) isn’t just a set of guidelines; it’s woven into the very fabric of our culture.

Here, you can delve into the captivating stories from our Heroes of Safe and Well programme, where our remarkable colleagues embody the spirit of our Culture Essentials and Service Promises. Embrace our enriched training materials, now updated to include a deep exploration of the Golden Rules and their pivotal role in safeguarding our well-being. Stay informed with real-time safety metrics accessible via our Safety Dashboard. And don’t miss our captivating induction films and training resources, just a click away.

Feeling inspired? You now have the power to nominate your own Hero of Safe and Well, recognising those who’ve illuminated the path of HESS excellence. Additionally, your Bright Ideas are invaluable to us, and you can effortlessly submit them through this platform. Simply follow the links below and be an active part of our journey to nurture a culture where Keeping People Safe and Well is more than a principle – it’s a way of life.

Our HESS Charter

Nominate a HESS Hero Have a Bright Idea? Submit it here.

Our HESS Hero Characters 

Our HESS Vision Film

Our vision is to put HESS at the heart of every decision and every action

Want to know more about our Vision for health, environment, safety and security? This short film explains how our Vision supports our journey from compliance in HESS to a commitment to HESS. This means our people doing the right thing because they believe in it; not simply because they’re following the rules.

Golden Rules  Heroes of Safe and Well  Just and Fair Ethos

Shattered Lives   Near Miss Thermometer 

Golden Rules and Think SHARK Cards

HESS Feedback Station & Report Near Misses Useful Documents, Links and Training Materials

Have a question or feedback about the HESS Hub? Let us know.

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