What to do when someone speaks up

We should all feel empowered to Speak Up, whether it’s something as simple as suggesting improvements to our ways of working, or more serious issues. Speaking up in good faith (based on a genuine belief or concern) shows great courage, so it’s vital that we recognise, listen, learn and act when someone does.

How do I recognise when someone is speaking up?

Sometimes it’s obvious as the person may actively ask to speak to you, other times it might be dropped into conversation, raised in a jokey manner or added as an aside. It may come via a face to face chat, an email or even a text. It may not even be said at all – you might just be able to tell from someone’s body language that they want to say something but don’t seem able to.

I think somebody is speaking up, what should I do?

If you’re a manager or leader, please refer to this toolkit which has designed to support you with knowing what to do when someone speaks up and guide you to take the right course of action.

If you’re not a manager or leader, please encourage the person to speak to their Line Manager or Head of Department. If they don’t feel comfortable speaking to them, there are many other ways they can Speak Up – click here for more information.

Remember, we do not tolerate retaliation (also known as revenge, getting even, payback) in any form against anyone who reports a concern in good faith or participates in an investigation. Find out more about retaliation here.

Need more help?
If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the Ethics & Compliance team via email at ethics@carnivalukgroup.com and the team will assist you.

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