Friday 17 February was Random Acts of Kindness Day, a time to think about how you could do something nice for someone else and make kindness the norm. 

Get involved from Monday 20 February – Friday 24 February, with our week of Random Acts of Kindness activities, and lots of opportunities for you to make someone’s day! 

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible” 

What’s on?

  • Time for a treasure hunt at Carnival House: Throughout the week the OH Team will be hiding random gifts around Carnival House to make someone’s day. Let the team know if you find one – we hope it makes you smile 😊  
  • Tuesday 21 February – It’s Pancake Day! The Atrium café will be offering a selection of sweet and savoury pancakes throughout the day. Why not share a pancake with a colleague as your random act of kindness?  
  • Tuesday 21 February – Bake someone’s Day! Our Charity Partnership Team will be hosting our ever-popular bake sale in The Atrium between 10:00 – 14:00, in support of Monty’s Community Hub. Why not surprise a colleague with a delicious treat, all the while raising money for our fabulous charity partner.  

5 ways to wellbeing  

The New Economics Foundation have researched and developed ‘five ways to wellbeing’: Connect, Be Active, Give, Take Notice, and Keep Learning.  

Random Acts of Kindness isn’t only a chance for us to Connect with others, which has been our focus in February, but it’s also an opportunity for us to give to others.  

Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing. It could be small acts of kindness towards other people, or larger ones, like volunteering in your local community.  

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