Guest Blog – by Rachel Hampton, Head of Mayfield Nurseries 

Sometimes, when I feel life is getting on top of me, when I’m stressing over work deadlines, kids or getting a good deal on my car insurance, I remember to practice what I preach and get out in my garden. So what might be the benefits to a time short, stressed out working mum? It improves your mental health and wellbeing that’s what!

Even a couple of hours in my garden tending to my plants, or weeding a flower bed will help me to relax and distress. In our increasingly urbanised and technology driven world, getting outside and connecting with nature for a while and focusing on the task at hand has immense benefits to our mental health. It gives us a sense of achievement, releases endorphins, its amazing exercise without stepping a foot inside a gym, helps us to sleep better and allows us to focus on the present, not the past or the future.

You may not be green fingered, but it really doesn’t matter. What is important is giving you the time to be outside and focusing on something positive. I never thought I would be a gardener but my hanging baskets look amazing and my mental health has never been better!

The Great Carnival UK Environmental Quiz!

Which uses less water, washing a full load of dishes by hand or in the dishwasher?

Dishwasher – hand washing dishes can use up to 50% more water than a water-saving, energy-efficient dishwasher.

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