Announcing the Champions of Operations Oceans Alive Challenge 2023

In a celebration of innovative ideas and a commitment to preserving our oceans, we are thrilled to unveil the triumphant winners of the Operations Oceans Alive Challenge 2023 for Carnival UK.

Launched on the momentous occasion of World Oceans Day in June, this challenge cast a wide net, capturing the attention and creativity of our colleagues across the Carnival Corporation with an astounding influx of over 500 submissions.

Taking the esteemed position of 1st Place Winners for Question 1 is Manoj Kumar, our Housekeeping Manager on board Iona. For Question 2, the crown of the 1st Place Winner is bestowed upon Alessio Vanini, our Food & Beverage Manager aboard the Britannia. Their ideas not only garnered them recognition but also secured them entry into the impending Executive Judging at the Corporate level, with the ultimate results to be shared later this month.

Securing a formidable position as the 2nd Place Winner for both Question 1 and Question 2 is Aaron Quigley, our 2nd Engineer Officer on board the Iona.

Completing this constellation of creativity is Kallum Galvin, our Nursing Officer on board the Iona, who claims the prestigious 3rd Place for both Question 1 and Question 2.

In recognition of their exceptional contributions, all our winners will be rewarded with prizes that stand as a testament to our gratitude for their dedication to the cause.

As we eagerly anticipate the upcoming Executive Judging at the Corporate level, where the top-tier victors of the 1st Place category will vie for a distinguished title, we extend our heartiest congratulations to all our winners. Their ideas have not only sparked innovation but have also deepened our commitment to the oceans that bind us all.

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