The art of recycled fashion!

Taking recyclable items and using them to create pieces of art is nothing new – Bronze Aged people used leaves to adorn their pottery.

Our shipboard colleagues are invited to create pieces of fashion using recyclable materials found on board, with a chance to feature on a ship fashion show and to win a prize!

1st Prize – £300

2nd Prize – £200

3rd Prize – £100

So, what are the rules?

  • Items must be wearable
  • When using recycling materials make sure these are clean and safe to use
  • Take a picture of the fashion item being worn and send to your Human Resource Manager and Environment Officer
  • Ensure entries are submitted by 5pm (GMT) 5th April 2023
  • The top 3 winners will be decided by the shoreside HESS Committee and announced end of April 2023

More information will be available on board about a fashion show.

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