To mark Global Recycling Day in March, we invited colleagues from the fleet to get creative and come up with their most elaborate fashion pieces made from clean, recycled materials which would otherwise have been recycled.

We had so many incredible entries showing off their awesome originality – from dresses made from old playing cards to using old editions of Horizon to fashion hats, tops and the likes. Thank you to everyone who entered!

We tasked our Director of Environment and Safety, Russel Hobbs, to choose a First, Second and Third:

Getting First is Charlie onboard Queen Elizabeth. Such an awesome idea to use clean, used corks to fashion a lovely dress and headpiece!

Coming in Second is Johanna onboard Iona, who used clean, used milk bottles to fashion this flowing dress.

In Third place is Roger  onboard Queen Mary 2 who took old onion bags to create this vivid, flowing creation!

A big thank you to all our entries who have shows a unique talent for design, and most importantly, embrace our commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle.

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