The mid-year conversation window is open, which means it’s time to reflect on how you’ve performed so far, celebrate your achievements and discuss anything you may need to do differently before the end of the year.

You’ll have your conversation by 31 May, so look out for a meeting invite from your manager.

To make the most of your mid-year, preparation is key. Here’s how you can get ready:

  • Reflect on your achievements and review your progress against your performance and development goals.
  • Think about how you’ve achieved it, using our Culture Essentials
  • Identify your focus for the rest of the year and any support you may need.
  • The conversation is an opportunity for you and your manager to share and receive feedback with each other about how things are going. Think about any feedback you may wish to share with them to cultivate your working relationship – click here for some advice.
  • Well before your meeting, update myHR portal and submit to your manager.

 Next steps

  • Use the guidance here to help you prepare for your conversation.

Supporting you

Click here for more information about mid-year conversations, as well as the performance cycle more generally.

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