We’re now in the midst of our enabling conversation window and many of us will be taking the time to reflect on all the incredible things we’ve achieved during extraordinary circumstances, what we want to strive to achieve professionally and personally, and how we can adjust our 2020 goals to support the business and each other for the rest of the year. 

When we are trying to set goals, or perhaps reflecting on what we have set and how to achieve them, they can seem quite daunting; especially “how” we might reach them. Whilst we’ve been working remotely, we know that many people have found that setting small daily goals, or “chunking up tasks” in both their work and personal life has had a huge impact on their wellbeing, productivity and perception of how they are coping especially in our “new normal” world.

By applying the same process to our 2020 business goals and Individual Development Plans (IDP) we can make them more achievable and maintain a positive outlook on our progress against them.

How to reach your goals

1. Set your goals
Think about what you want to achieve for yourself and your career as well as for business. Ask yourself the questions on our development planning guide to spark some ideas. Once you’ve identified all your goals, make sure they’re SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely) – remember to think about the support or things you might need in place to be the best you can be at work. Read our ‘Focusing on the Future’ employee pack for guidance
2. Strategise
Make a plan to achieve your goal in a series of small, manageable chunks – we recommend using this tool on Good Practice to help you (everyone can sign up for Good Practice using your Carnival UK email address).
3. Focus
Protect time in your day to complete small tasks/chunks and remember to allow for capacity to adapt and react. Don’t forget to think about how you’re going to keep yourself accountable.
4. Commit
Do what you need to do to check off those small tasks/chunks. It’s natural if you find your motivation levels fluctuating. Read these tips to get yourself back on track.

Choosing the right goals

More than ever we’ve got different commitments, pressures, environments and challenges to one another. For some of us we may feel we’re juggling a few too many things right now, whilst others might feel settled and have a feeling of control. Whichever end of the spectrum you are, the chances are you haven’t been there the whole time and you won’t stay at one end forever – things change, priorities adapt and with them so must we. 

Ultimately the final 2020 goals and development opportunities you define and agree with your line manager should support the business and each other for the rest of the year; they should withstand change or be able to adapt with it and they must be right for you. 

It’s important to remember that it’s ok to ask for help. Be open and honest when discussing your goals, you can also use your enabling conversation to confidentially raise any concerns you might have about your personal situation.

In addition, you’ll find a wealth of wellbeing support on The Insider.

Completing your enabling conversation

Don’t forget to complete your enabling conversation with your line manager by 28 August. Once you’ve had a think about your goals, and to help you prepare for your conversation, click here.

And remember that The Cove is here to support you with your development every step of the way.

Do you have any top tips to share that have helped you prioritise, gain focus or realise and reach your goals? Share them in the comments box below.


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