Being part of Carnival UK isn’t just a job, it’s an opportunity to develop personally and professionally.

For those not familiar with the Springboard programme it’s a talent accelerated early year’s careers development programme.

For our December & February Springboard cohorts, we marked the end of their six month development programmes with presentation ceremonies in the Atrium. Certificates were presented by Carnival UK President. Josh Weinstein, and other members of the ELT in recognition of participants’ achievements.

Congratulations to December’s participants: Matty Brown, Vasilis Gerodimos, Mark Lewry, Ana Lopes, Iain Smart, Hollie Pym, Irena Miniaylenko, Jessica Biggerstaff, Tom Andrews, Zoe Johnston, Laura Delcie-Davies, Robin Humphris, Maria Soneira Perez, Jennifer Boon and Virginie Lemonnier-Benr, as well as Februarys participants: Vin Chelladurai, Kelly White, Gemma Poulton, Lo Grace Umpa, Rachael Fletcher, Chris Elliot, Dan Weight, Clare Wiggins, Edward Dieusart, Ali Greenaway, Eva Johnston, Jo Boxall and Anna Goddard

Speaking at both ceremonies, Carnival UK President Josh Weinstein praised the group for their hard work and dedication:

Carnival UK is entering a very exciting time with 50% growth on the horizon. We’re also on the cusp of launching our sustainability agenda so it’s essential that we recognise and nurture our talent. We’ve identified our Springboard participants as future leaders because we appreciate what they do and how they do it and they will play an integral role in supporting their teams to achieve our goals. As a company we’re proud to be able to offer our people opportunities and the support to reach their full potential, and our latest Springboard participants have really embraced this opportunity with enthusiasm and commitment!”

Reflecting on the Springboard programme, participant Robin Humphris said: “The Springboard programme has taught me the importance of having strong values and a personal brand to live by, how to influence others, and the importance of demonstrating the right behaviours at the right time. I feel valued as an employee of CUK and honoured to be recognised by the business as a person with the potential to be a future leader. It was a great opportunity to take my current knowledge to the next level and help set me up to succeed going forward.”

Clare Wiggins added: “Each of the modules gave us tangible techniques that we can take away and put into practise every day. Far from being one-way passive learning experiences, they were interactive sessions with real-life example that gave us an opportunity to reflect, discuss and refine our approach. This interaction opens your mind to new ideas, and enables you to visual how your every day situations could benefit from applying some very simple strategic models.”

If you’re a manager and have identified someone in your team who you think would benefit from the programme please connect with your HRBP for next steps.


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