Last week shared our new Carnival Corporation Mission and how we’ve reinvigorated our Carnival UK core values to explicitly align to this.

This won’t have felt like a huge change to the way we do things in Carnival UK as we’ve already embarked on a journey at Carnival House to build a culture that recognises the importance of HESS, speaking up, and that’s just, fair and inclusive and we’ve definitely been recognised for the progress we’ve made.

When we introduced the Carnival UK core values in 2017 we did so as an intentional way to help drive the right mindsets and behaviours in our everyday working lives.

Across the Corporation there is recognition of the important role that setting people up around core values, and building processes, experiences, systems etc. around those core values, is what really drives cultural change. For us, that means we need to make sure that across ship and shore we’re 100% on the same page about what being part of Carnival UK means – in the way we think and act every day.

So as well as the changes we’ve made shoreside, we’re also rolling out our Mission, Purpose, Goals and Core Values to our fleet, across P&O Cruises and Cunard, demonstrating how all of this comes together with their individual brand values and ways of working on board.

There has been a huge amount of work across many teams to think about how we embed our Carnival UK core values in a meaningful and effective way, not just over the last week but into 2020 and beyond.

From today you’ll start to see we’ve updated all of our materials around the building and touchpoints like our induction programme, but this is just the starting point – we’ll continue to update and refine our ways of working aligned to our new mission and you’ll see much more in the coming months, so watch this space!

In the meantime you can find our Mission, Purpose, Goals and Core Values here.

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