This year we are celebrating Summer of Happiness – my best me, encouraging each and every one of us to be the best version of ourselves through self development opportunities and doing what we all enjoy the most, having fun!

Here at Carnival UK we want everyone to feel supported, included, cared for and that Carnival UK is not only a great place to work but a great place for your long term career too.

So far this year we’ve enjoyed the launch of our Carnival UK learning Academy, sampled Jude’s ice cream, celebrated 365 days until Iona’s arrival with P&O Cruises, launched our 2019/20 Carnival UK charity partner Oasis Down to Earth Farm, learnt how to be more sustainable at World Environment Day, focused on our mental health and enjoyed a week of wellbeing activities!

And the good news, overall you’re telling us that you’re enjoying the activities and opportunities we’ve made available. The even better news is that there is still so much more to come.

This July:

15 – 19 July: 10 Years at Carnival House
19 July – 11 August: Seaside in the Square

This August:

6 August: Seaside in the Square Carnival UK exclusive event 
23 August: Southampton Pride Carnival UK exclusive warm up party
24 August: Southampton Pride

This September:

23 – 27 September: National Inclusion week

Tickets for our next event, Carnival UK exclusive Seaside in the Square event will be bookable from MONDAY 22 JULY. To ensure booking is fair all places will be issued on a first come first served basis, and all employees will receive an email at 08:00hrs with the details they require.

Contact centre operation teams will be invited to choose sessions they would like to attend, their time then being scheduled based on preferences they provide.

Click here to find out more about the sessions and how to book.

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