Three weeks after returning to Carnival UK, following a four year spell at Carnival Corporation in Miami, our new Chief Financial Officer sheds some light on his experiences with the company so far:


Name: James Chedgey
Current Role: Chief Financial Officer
Time with Carnival: 6 Years
Role Model: Sir Clive Woodward
Personal Motto: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” – Mike Tyson

James joined Carnival UK from the Royal Mail six years ago, as the Director of Corporate Finance and Planning. His move was motivated by his desire to work in a business that ‘had a bit more about it’ – a fun place to work and fantastic products which gave enjoyment to people – something Carnival UK could provide him with.

Despite his enthusiasm for Carnival’s products, James admits that prior to joining the company, he had not cruised, or even considered cruising. This quickly changed when James experienced a Mediterranean fly-cruise on board Ventura. His initial impression? ‘I love it!

His growing hunger for cruising experiences has led him to experience numerous destinations and ships. When asked for his favourite cruise destination so far, his answer was clear. Alaska. Why? ‘The wildlife; whales, eagles, bears, wolves, moose and the stunning scenery!’

There are numerous destinations James is yet to experience. However, one destination in particular tops his wish list – The Fjords. Considering his admiration for Alaska and The Fjords, a move to sunny Miami may not have seemed logical.

Despite this, in 2015 James moved from Carnival UK to Carnival Corporation in Miami, as Vice President of Global Financial Planning and Analysis. He admits that it took some time to acclimatise, “I quickly found that in The States, they avoid the summer by staying indoors, whereas in the UK people absorb the summer and try to spend as much time as possible outside.”

The change in weather was not the only challenge James faced whilst in Miami. He admits that for the last four years he has taken it upon himself to educate Americans on how to speak English. However, he quickly found that it was not only his new colleagues who he would need to convince, as his two children started using an American accent when out in public too!

The English language was not the only import James brought to Carnival Corporation, he also quickly became the provider of (British) Cadbury chocolate. Following an in-office testing, it was agreed that British Cadbury was better than American Cadbury. Not all of his imports were as fondly accepted however, as he recalls a colleague mistaking Marmite for Nutella!

Alongside sharing British culture with his colleagues, James also soaked up the American culture which surrounded him. A fond fan of rugby prior to his move, James developed an appreciation for American Football. He recalls happily supporting the Miami Dolphins as they beat the New York Jets – Josh Weinstein’s favourite NFL team.

Now back in the UK, James is pleased to see a ‘hum of activity’ in The Atrium, where he can feel a strong positive energy. He puts this positive energy down to the strong performance of the business and the excitement of having new ships on the horizon.

Looking towards the future, James is excited by the growth potential of the company, claiming that ‘there is so much more to go for’.

He wants to ensure all his colleagues at Carnival UK that “their efforts and hard work don’t go unnoticed, and that their performance has helped to set a benchmark for the future.”

At Carnival UK, we would all like to wish James a warm welcome home and look forward to seeing what he can help us to achieve for 2019 and the years that follow.

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