Knowing your numbers means taking action to measure and understand important statistics about your health such as your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and body weight. Having these checked regularly and knowing what they mean is a great first step toward better health and wellbeing.

Our know Your Numbers kiosk is back!
From Monday 25 March – 2 April, head over to the Know Your Numbers health kiosk in the Atrium for a confidential heath check, and learn more about your numbers related to: blood pressure, weight, and body mass index (BMI). The Kiosk is super discreet and your reading will remain confidential.  

If you feel your numbers need improving, see what you can achieve by being active: 

  • Why not take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime
  • Walk into work – perhaps with a colleague – so you can ‘connect’ as well
  • Get off the bus one stop earlier than usual and walk the final part of your journey
  • Organise a work sporting activity
  • Do some ‘easy exercise’, like stretching, before you leave for work in the morning or try out this kitchen workout!
  • Walk to someone’s desk instead of sending a Teams message or emailing
  • Try out a new exercise class online – here’s some free workouts from the NHS
  • Or try out a new class in person

Good day at CUK 

What makes a ‘good day at Carnival UK’ is different for each of us. One colleague might be looking for financial advice, or ways to improve their physical health. Another may need guidance on providing the right mental health support for a team member. ​

When it comes to looking after ourselves, a great place to start is with the ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’: ​ Connect, Be Active, Give, Take Notice, and Keep Learning.​

Making sure you have a good balance of all these will help you to be your best self, both in and outside of work. Learn more about our 5 ways to wellbeing, here. ​

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