Today we launch our new car parking solution, with Wayleadr, to make the most of our available car parking so it benefits all colleagues when needing to work from Carnival House.

The best way to use the portal is via the app. To download it, please visit the App Store or Google Play and search for ‘Wayleadr’, or if you have any issues, you can access the website. If you have a CUK managed device (you don’t have access to the app store) the app will be automatically added by the end of Monday. Please make sure read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy as part of the registration process. Once registered you can confirm your allocated space or request a space for next week – you’ll just need to make sure you login and do this before 12:00 on Friday.

For those with an allocated space

If you’re currently entitled to, and use an allocated parking space, you must use the app/website to confirm the days you plan to use your space by Friday at 12:00, otherwise it will be made available to your colleagues to book.

For those requesting a space

On Friday afternoon an algorithm will assess the released spaces and fairly allocate these across all colleagues who’ve requested one. For details of how the algorithm works please visit the Help section of the app/website.

Anyone who’s given a space will be advised via e-mail and will also be able to see the confirmation via the Wayleadr app/website. If you’re offered a space at BSA or The Academy, you must use the actual space allocated to you. The app/website contains maps of each of our car parks including the space numbers.

Training and Support

You can find more information and a wide range of training materials and FAQ’s here. If your questions isn’t covered please email People Support or call them on 0238 065 6666.

As we prepare to return to the office three days a week why not set yourself up for a success and add a recurring diary invite to request/ confirm a space each week? And while you’re at it, don’t forget to book a desk at the same time.


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