When it comes to looking after ourselves and making sure we all have a #GoodDayatCUK, a great place to start is with our ‘5 ways to wellbeing’.

Making sure you have a good balance of these will help you to be your best self, both in and outside of work.  

Take Notice in February – Cancer Prevention

This February is Cancer Awareness Month, when the Occupational Health and Wellbeing team will be kicking off a new cancer prevention series, to help us spot the signs, Take Notice of cancer symptoms and know where to go for support.

From February, look out for posters in the bathrooms at Carnival House that will focus on a range of cancer types and their symptoms to look out for.

Taking notice is about prioritising your own health and wellbeing, by being more mindful, taking notice of symptoms, and making time for health-related appointments around work. So, if you spot something that doesn’t seem right – make sure you Take Notice and get checked for cancer.

Keep an eye out for further updates about other activities you can get involved in throughout the month, including:

  • Our first Cancer Café of 2024 on 6 February, 10:00 – 11:00, in Vancouver room – The Cancer Café is an informal network aimed at supporting colleagues who are living diagnosed with cancer. It’s a safe place for you to pop in and connect with others going through a similar experience. Save the event to your diary here.
  • The chance to hear from the Teenage Cancer Trust, our P&O Cruises Charity Partner, and representatives from Wessex Cancer Support.
  • Some of our colleagues will also be sharing their own experiences of living with cancer.
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