Last month I celebrated a family birthday by going to see the Back to Future stage show in London, which by the way, I can highly recommend for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

Whilst you can take much of the story at face value it struck me that there are in fact so many underlying aspects to the show (and the film) when you analyse it more closely. There are so many sliding door moments and lasting consequences of seemingly innocuous and inconsequential decisions, which have a long-term impact, that it seems to be a remarkable analogy for the way we work today.

The Flux Capacitor time travel machine which powered the DeLorean (which was visually incredible in the show) enabled it to go back or forward in time. ‘Flux’ literally means constant change and capacitor means energy store (stay with me…) and again this can be applied to our own business. Over the past three years, during a period of significant flux, we have managed change in a way, which at first we thought was seemingly impossible.  Collectively though, we have achieved success and in fact we are in a far stronger position than we were previously. This is because we were energised to do things differently and because the status quo was not an option. If we continue to have this mindset now we will create change, be agile and be a force for good.

The theme of family is recurrent in the show. We are always better together, supporting and caring for each other. Remember Huey Lewis’s anthem “The power of love”? It is not only you who determines your success and happiness – it is everyone, your colleagues and peers around you. This is why our eNPS surveys are so vital – tell us, honestly and openly how you feel and we will do everything we can to make things better. We all need a support system around us – whether at work or at home.

Not shared your feedback in our Pulse survey yet? You can do this here.

If you work for Corporate Shipbuilding, Carnival Corporation, or for one of our sister brands, then you’ll complete a different survey at a different time.

If you work on board our ‘Life Onboard’ survey is also live until 10 October. If you work onboard you’ll have received an email from CSSI on 25 September. Check your email for more information or scan the QR code on promotional posters onboard and have your say.

Seeing so many of you in Carnival House over the last few weeks for the Business Update, the Cunard brand event, celebrating National Inclusion Week last week and the great activities happening for Black History Month this week (and beyond), was truly remarkable and a very visible representation of a “better together” support systemThere seemed to be so much positivity in the building and to hear the laughter and cheers was so uplifting, it seemed to pervade across the floors and upwards to the skylight. I hope you all felt it too and that you are proud to work for a brand which brings together so many people, whether in the office or at sea or on a much-anticipated holiday.

The common denominator in all of this is our people – our “cast”. In our case our people, ship and shore and also guests, who are at the heart of everything we do. We have seen a few challenges recently, some very unexpected, but in each instance it is your courage, commitment and passion to do the right thing which has supported us, protected our reputation and above all, shown that we care. Even if things do sometimes go awry, it is clear that you want to make it better.

By the time you read this I will have just returned from Queen Elizabeth and met so many of our colleagues at sea, including those who have been with us for many years and those who are just beginning their careers with us.

Our people are what bind our company together and give the opportunities to grow, to create change and to achieve success, so thank you to the team who hosted me onboard.  Your passion to ensure our guests were enjoying their holiday was clear to see.

Like Marty, George, Doc, Biff, Lorraine and the others in Back to the Future, we all come from different backgrounds, with differing thoughts, opinion and approach. It is this very diversity which we have to continue to harness to make us stronger – even when things get “heavy” as Marty would say.

Take care everyone,


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