Better together, as we celebrate a busy and exciting time for our industry

Collaboration and togetherness were the bywords at this year’s Seatrade Cruise Global in Miami earlier this month. Seatrade is the world’s largest cruise industry event and I had a very productive week there where I had the opportunity to meet many of our partners and suppliers as well as peers and colleagues from across Carnival Corporation. Meeting fellow presidents also gave a very real sense of enthusiasm and optimism for the future of Carnival Corporation and the cruise industry as a whole.

We shared our insights, experiences and best practices, as well as celebrating our individual achievements and innovations and understanding how we can best leverage our scale in various ways while maintaining the distinct identity and personality of each brand. We also talked about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, such as regulation around sustainability, the criticality of digitalisation and ever-increasing customer expectations. I was impressed by the sense of collaboration and camaraderie among the presidents and I look forward to continuing our dialogue and cooperation in the future.

One highlight was the European Cruise Council’s CEO panel, where I had the honour of representing Carnival UK alongside CEOs from the region. We discussed the trends and developments of the European cruise market, which is the second largest in the world after North America, and the importance of engaging with our stakeholders, regulators and communities to ensure the long-term growth and success of our industry. We also showcased the diversity and appeal of our brands and how we cater to the different needs and preferences of our guests. We also stressed the importance of collaboration to reach our sustainability goals.

European CEO Panel representing CLIA, Carnival UK, TUI Cruises, MSC Cruises & Celestryal Cruises

Of course, the team and I also had many useful meetings with ports and destinations, where I learned more about their plans and projects and how we can collaborate to create memorable and enriching experiences for our guests. I was particularly interested in the new and emerging destinations that offer new possibilities and perspectives for our itineraries. I also met with some of our key suppliers and vendors who provide us with the products and services that make our ships and operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Britannia has returned from refit with interiors looking stunning including crew areas and a Market Café which has already received very positive feedback from guests (Snowflake gelato doughnut anyone?). These refits are no mean feat and take extensive planning and logistics from our shoreside and on board teams. Our maritime, refit, GX and Britannia’s crew members should be congratulated for getting this done on plan and on time.





New Crew Hub area on Britannia

Back here in Southampton Cunard’s much-anticipated Queen Anne will leave on her maiden voyage today. With refined interiors, exclusive new dining experiences and luxurious spa packages Queen Anne will continue Cunard’s pioneering legacy.

And talking of memorable moments, P&O Cruises is once again sponsoring the BAFTA Television Awards on Sunday May 12 so do join in our celebrations here in Carnival House next week and then watch the red carpet and ceremony from home to spot your favourite stars.

None of these major milestones happen without the continued hard work, creativity and dedication from teams across the business and across our ships. I am immensely proud and grateful to you all for putting our brands in the spotlight once again and seeing the culmination of your collaboration.

As a thank you to each and every one of you across all departments I am delighted to announce that our Summer of Happiness will be making a comeback in June with some very special events to show our appreciation for all that you do. Watch out for more details.

So, as we come into our busy summer season there is certainly much to celebrate together.

Take care,

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