Did you know there are shower and changing facilities in the Undercroft (Carpark / level 0) at Carnival House? 

This September, we’ve been focusing on ways we can be active to improve our wellbeing. If you live close enough to the office, swapping your car for your bike on one of your morning commutes is a great way of making exercise a part of your daily routine. Or why not go for a walk or a jog on your lunch break?

The Drying room and Shower Room in the Undercroft are there for everyone to make use of, and in recent weeks our Occupational Health and Wellbeing team has made some improvements to these facilities.

What’s new in the Undercroft?

You’ll recognise the new ‘for everyone’ gender neutral signage that has been added to the main doors and interiors of both the Drying Room and Shower Room. These are spaces that can be used by everyone, so please make sure you only use the cubicles in the Shower Room to get changed. 

We’ve also brightened up the locker area in the Shower Room, and if you forget your towel, clean towels are available in the labelled locker for you to borrow. Please return them to the laundry bin in the sink area after use. 

For our cycling community, a bike repair area has also been set up in the carpark with tools and a repair kit should you need to use it.

If you haven’t cycled into Carnival House before, email the Carnival House inbox for information about accessing The Undercroft, showers, lockers and access rights. There’s also a friendly community of Carnival House cyclists. Click here to join their group on Teams.

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