Great news – you can now submit your request to buy up to five days of extra leave or sell up to two days.

The window is open until Tuesday 14 March, however we recommend making your selection sooner rather than later so you have the opportunity to ask any questions and put your request through in time.

How does the scheme work?

If you request to buy additional holiday, deductions from your salary will be made over nine months from 1 April to 31 December. Anyone who carried over more than five days (or pro-rata equivalent for part-time employees) into 2023 won’t be eligible to sell any holiday. All requests are subject to approval from your line manager and senior leader.

What’s the process?

Have an initial chat with your line manager to discuss your application and any carry over holiday and TOIL you have left to take. You’ll then need to:

  • Apply for holiday trading on myHR portal – here’s the guide on how.
  • Your request will be sent to your line manager and senior leader for approval. The approval process varies slightly for Corporate Shipbuilding colleagues so please refer to your email.
  • You’ll be advised if your application was successful by 31 March.
  • Your holiday balance will be updated on HR Portal by mid-April.

 Your holiday trading exchange or sacrifice (depending on whether you’ve bought or sold leave) will start in April 2023. Please take a look at the scheme rules if you’re part-time.

For full details of the holiday trading scheme, take a look at The Bridge (use Edge) where you’ll find a salary calculator and scheme rules.

If you have any trouble submitting your holiday trading application, please contact People Support.

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