As Cunard celebrate their 15th year in partnership with The Prince’s Trust, colleagues from across CUK are taking part in The Prince’s Trust February 10k steps a day challenge, Future Steps.

13 teams from CUK are walking, running or rolling 10,000 steps every day of the month and championing their own health and wellbeing,  as well as supporting thousands of young people across the UK. It’s a chance to raise money that will go towards vital youth projects, including training, education, and emotional support.

As we are now over halfway through the month, it’s time to think about how we can boost those fundraising totals and raise as much as possible to support young people. Every pound that we raise for The Prince’s Trust really does matter and will have a huge impact on the lives of the young people they support. According to The Trust’s recent Youth Index report, 64% of young people feel they can overcome the challenges they face but need practical support to build their confidence and skills, so let’s help raise funds for young people and help them to build the skills they need to succeed in life. check out some top fundraising tips below.


Share your Just Giving Pages: Use social media to share your fundraising message. Include a link to your JustGiving page and a photo of your training or event, Fundraisers who add a profile picture tend to raise 15% more. Creating your own hashtag or Facebook event is also a great way to keep track of your progress too!

Keep your family and friends updated: Share photos of your daily step count or the lovely scenes you have seen on your walk. Talk about it, let people know what you are doing and how they can donate.

Come Dine With Me! For something a bit different, gather your friends and family and host your own version of Come Dine With Me. You can ask for a donation from each guest.

Host a walk: Create a route and encourage people to go for a walk with you for a small donation.

Good luck steppers!

Thanks again for your support! Read more about how our colleagues got on with the challenge last year. 

You can also find out more about Cunard’s partnership with The Prince’s Trust. Visit –

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