Well done to all our colleagues on board and ashore that took part in the Future Steps Challenge to raise funds for The Prince’s Trust. Collectively they raised over £800 by walking 10,000 steps a day!

£800 is the equivalent to each of the following:  

  • Helping 160 young people gain an English qualifications, unlocking unlimited potential.
  • Buying 80 new copies of birth certificates for young people from chaotic backgrounds, unlocking life-changing opportunities.
  • Giving 40 young people the chance to speak to The Prince’s Trust’s helpline and get critical advice they need in a time of real uncertainty.
  • Providing 26 young people with the vital gift of a mentor to provide guidance and support.
  • Giving 14 young people a face-to-face hour-long session with a youth worker building their confidence, resilience, and motivation.

We’re so proud of our colleagues for completing their challenge. You can still donate to the Prince’s Trust and show your support for any of our teams by clicking on their team name to visit their JustGiving page: QE Steppers, GE Resourcing, HRBP Hot Steppers, Andrea Botcher.

Andrea Botcher, Senior Marine Engineer, Environmental & Special Projects shared her thoughts on completing the challenge. 

I took part because it was a good goal to keep up the 10.000 steps every day. Sometimes working from home makes you move not even 1000 steps and having a reachable goal kept me walking an extra hour during a lunch break or after work.

And doing this for the benefit of The Prince’s Trust made it doubly effective. Just saying that you’re going to exercise more is not a valid target; a goal of raising money made it more achievable and satisfying at the end of the day.  😊 I enjoyed it a lot!”

Our fleet was represented by Queen Elizabeth. Here’s the QE Steppers team ready for action! Pictured below are Inger Thorhauge, Captain; Mark, Executive Chef; Balaz, F&B Services Manager and Glenn, F&B Manager. 


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