A ship inspired by Cunard’s past and built for their future, Queen Anne extends the Cunard Line for future generations. Today we’re pleased to share a short video introducing you to pivotal members of the team behind Queen Anne’s development so far.

You’ll hear from Carnival UK President, Sture Myrmell, on what a momentous occasion it is to welcome Queen Anne to the Cunard fleet. Cunard’s Vice-President of Brand & Product, Lee Powell, will touch on the evolution of the on board experience and some of the ships much-loved signature spaces. And David Collins Studio, one of the many talents behind the design of the ship, will talk through their inspiration and the journey they’ve taken so far. You’ll also hear from newly announced Queen Anne’s Captain, Inger Thorhauge.

Earlier today we announced Inger Thorhauge as Queen Anne’s first Captain and David Hudson as her Second Captain. Click here to read the full announcement.

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