As we’re almost finished with our End of Year conversations, reflecting on all the extraordinary things we’ve achieved against an ever changing backdrop, it’s almost time to start looking ahead and set goals for 2021.

Our goal setting conversation window is open from 7 -24 December for our CUK shoreside people to discuss and set goals for the year ahead.

To set ourselves up for success, we need you to start thinking about your goals for the year ahead, talk openly with your manager about development needs and your aspirations to be the best you can be in 2021. Goals are essential for all of us; they’re the reason ‘why’ and help us to focus on what matters and prioritise our activity.

To help you with the goal setting process, we’ve put together an employee guide to take you through everything you need to know. (If you’re a line manager you’ll have received a separate guide).

As for last year, your goals should be entered within the Performance section of myHR portal. You’ll need to have your goals added, approved and submitted by 24 December. Read our guidelines on the Bridge here for more information on how to approach goal setting.

Future expectations around behavioural performance
For 2021 we’ve adapted our performance framework and updated our systems to reflect the Culture Essentials. In addition to the delivery of your performance goals, you’ll be assessed against these as the measure of how you do what you do. To support you, see these examples of the types of behaviours that drive the right culture and those that can stand in the way of people being the best they can be. Start to think about how you operate and set development goals that grow and shape the right behaviours. We’ll continue to support you in this development, so look out for further information and tools.

If you have any questions please contact our People Support team ( or call 023 8065 6666 (x6666).

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