As part of our Celebrating My Best Me season, we’re celebrating the diversity and achievements of colleagues at Carnival UK.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing people stories from Carnival House and all across our fleet. 

Here’s Maneesh Dublish, Business Analyst in Maritime, to share his story on the celebration of Diwali, and what it means to him and his family:

“Every year Diwali is celebrated in our household (this year it was on 27 October). It’s a special day particularly for my wife Vandana who was born in India and truly appreciates what it symbolises.

Diwali, Deepavali or Dipavali is the Hindu festival of lights. One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolises the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.” Light is a metaphor for knowledge and consciousness.

Diwali is celebrated in India to the level we enjoy Christmas here. For my kids being born in the UK, Christmas is still number one, having been brought up in the culture here, but we all try our best to align to the Indian way of celebrating Diwali. Getting money from parents and grandparents helps!

Inside our house on Diwali, lights are lit, traditional clothing is worn and there are some prayers undertaken (Lakshmi Puja). Additionally Diwali is also celebrated with fireworks and so a few are let off, along with using sparklers. On Diwali this year we were actually boarding Ventura for our holiday so we dined in Sindhu to celebrate. “








How do you ‘Celebrate My Best Me’?  Share your story in the comments box. 

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