On Monday 3 June, Queen Anne will make her debut in Liverpool, Cunard’s spiritual home. Here she will be officially named at a spectacular event taking place during her inaugural sailing around Britain, The British Isles Festival Voyage.  

Be sure to follow Cunard’s social media channels where we’ll be posting updates throughout the day from the heart of the action! Follow @Cunardline on Instagram.

Queen Anne’s naming ceremony – What’s on? 

Queen Anne’s arrival into Liverpool – 7am

From early morning on 3 June, as the world’s media awaits Queen Anne’s arrival into the River Mersey, all eyes will be on Liverpool Pier Head. Queen Anne is scheduled to arrive at around 7am, and then the waterfront will be alive with activity in the lead up to a dazzling ceremony set to start at 4pm. 

The Official Naming of Queen Anne – 4pm

We are thrilled to announce that world-renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli will be performing. The maestro will be joined by an impressive line-up of Liverpool’s finest talent. Those in attendance will enjoy one-of-a-kind performances from Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, The Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, local DJ Lauren Lo Sung, and of course the official naming by Queen Anne’s Godparent, including the iconic smashing of a bottle of champagne against the ship. The ceremony will be hosted by musician Matt Willis and his wife, TV presenter Emma Willis.

This truly special event will be taking place during The British Isles Festival Voyage on Queen Anne, and guests sailing on this voyage will be invited to watch the ceremony from a dedicated viewing area ashore, right in the heart of the action. The celebrations will also be broadcast live throughout the ship for those guests who would prefer to stay on board.

A spectacular send-off – 8.30pm

From around 8.30pm, as evening celebrations begin, we’ll be treated to a further performance from Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, before legendary Liverpudlian TV personality and DJ, Craig Charles, joins them on stage for a unique collaboration. Craig will keep the party going until the grand finale, when Queen Anne sails away to a backdrop of dazzling fireworks as light falls. It’s sure to be a sail away party that’ll live long in the memory, both along the waterfront and on board Queen Anne! 

Popcorn at the ready! 

If you’re in Carnival House, join us a few days later to watch all the best bits from the naming ceremony and evening celebrations!

Wednesday 5 June
14:30 – 15:00
The Atrium

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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    • Laura Jackson on

      Hiya! The event will not be livestreamed today but we will be sharing the same highlights video with you this week, so look out for this on Crew TV.

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