As we have shared on Tuesday 14 May, Corporate Shipbuilding will be moving to a project-based agile organisation structure, where we will group people with similar skills and expertise in particular specialisms (i.e. marine engineering) into what will be known as Chapters.

These Chapters will be a mix of our people that have traditionally sat in either our Technical, Site or Contract Management Departments. The four newly created Chapters will together create the Shipbuilding Resource Group which will supply resource to the various projects across Corporate Shipbuilding.

Key Resources and Documents 
Please click on the following links to access key resources and documents: 


Job Descriptions (added 17 May)
Please find below a number of the job descriptions that have been created as part of our new ways of working and our move to a project-based agile structure. Please bear in mind when reading these job descriptions that they have been created to be purposefully more generic, they are conceptual and will evolve over time to support our agile ways of working. The intention will be for performance goals to be more prescriptive around key deliverables on a given project.

This is not an exhaustive list but rather a selection of job descriptions to help aide and support your understanding of the changes we are introducing. In the coming weeks, everyone with a change to their job title and job description will receive a formal communication.

VP Shipbuilding Resource Group
VP Newbuild Projects
VP New Project & Innovation
Senior Director, Chapter (Chapter Lead)
Senior Director, Chapter (NA&O, ME, EAS&N)
Senior Director, Chapter (NPD Lead)
Senior Director, Chapter (Project Manager)
Senior Director, Chapter (Technologies & Innovation Lead)
Director, Chapter (NA&O, ME, EAS&N)
Director, Chapter (Projects)
Senior Manager, Chapter (NA&O, ME, EAS&N)
Manager, Chapter (NA&O, ME, EAS&N)
Manager, Chapter (Projects)
Senior Analyst, Chapter

Further support
We know change can be unsettling and that we’re sharing a lot of information. To support your understanding with the change, we’ve created a set of FAQs below. Simply click on the question to display the answer.

The change

Roles & structure

New ways of working


If you have a question that isn’t covered, then please speak to any member of the ELT or email the Communications mailbox at

New job vacancies
As part of the changes, we will be introducing the following new roles which are open to both internal and external applicants, please click on the job title to apply:



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