This May is Learning at Work Month and we’re focusing on the value of continuous learning and development.

Here are our top ten tips for continuous learning 

1. Try doing a task in a different way to see what the results are

Perhaps a colleague of yours does the same or a similar task you do but they do it slightly differently, Stay curious and be open to trying new ways of working. You might discover some better ways of doing things, or perhaps you you’ll be able to help others and share the knowledge you have to improve ways of working.

2. Ask for feedback from your Manager and peers

Want to know what you do well and what you could improve on? One of the quickest ways to understand this is to ask your colleagues and Manager for feedback. Remember, if you’re giving feedback make it constructive so that the person receiving it can put any changes needed into action.

3. Play to your strengths

Think about your strengths and how you can play to them. Perhaps you’re great at organisation, motivating others or a fantastic communicator. Whatever your super strength, by playing to these we can excel both as individuals and as part of a larger team.

4. Speak about how you can progress to your next role

If it’s your ambition to climb the career ladder then it’s important for you to have regular conversations about your ambitions with your manager. They’ll be able to tell you about suitable opportunities that come up and also guide you on any areas for development that might help you land that next role.

5. Have regular career conversations

As you progress through your career you’ll discover new skills and experiences which might influence where you want your career to head. It’s important to revisit career conversations with your Manager as things can change over time. 

6. Be curious and learn about other departments

Sometimes as humans we find it easier to connect with those that are most like us, and this includes those who work most closely with us. The running of our ships is a huge operation and one where every single person has a role to play. Broaden your knowledge of other departments and roles by speaking with colleagues outside of your department. Find out what it’s like to do their role/work in their department. What’s similar? What’s different?

7. Speak to leaders to understand more about leadership behaviours 

By speaking to those who are already in leadership roles you’ll be able to find out more about their career journey as well as the leadership behaviours and skills needed. Identifying any gaps in your skills or behaviours will be helpful when having conversations with your Manager about your development.

8. Build a bank of examples of where you’ve lived our Culture Essentials

Our Culture Essentials are the clear behaviours for both our shoreside and fleet colleagues that every brand in our Carnival family champions so we can build an even stronger culture, together. Prepare for interviews for your next role by banking examples of when you’ve lived and breathed our Culture Essentials. 

9. Take on new tasks

Speak with your Manager about opportunities to take on new tasks outside of your existing remit. By taking on new opportunities you may have the chance to connect with different colleagues and learn a new skill.

10. Track your progress

Life can get busy and when you’re working all day sometimes focus on development can slip. It’s really important to keep track of any conversations about your development as well as any opportunities you have taken on. By keeping track of everything you’ve been doing you’ll have lots to talk about at your next development conversation with you Manager.

Got a question about your development? Speak with your Learning and Development Officer on board for more information.

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