Our ships sail the world’s magnificent oceans and we’re committed to our responsibility to help preserve and protect our marine environment. As part of this, we’re supporting the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) with a series of UK beach cleans throughout 2024.

Our first UK beach clean of the year took place at Calshot on Monday 25 March, with colleagues from across the business coming together to support our sustainability agenda and give back to our local community.

In just a few hours, the team cleared over 700 items of rubbish from the beach! Take a look at what they found…

Material Items found Items per 100m % of total
Plastic/Polystyrene 543 271.5 73.98%
Rubber 39 19.5 5.31%
Cloth 29 14.5 3.95%
Paper/Cardboard 38 19 5.18%
Wood (machined) 11 5.5 1.50%
Metal 47 23.5 6.40%
Glass 14 7 1.91%
Pottery/Ceramics 6 3 0.82%
Sanitary 7 3.5 0.95%

Richard Warne, Senior Executive, Sustainability, said:

Thank you to all who took part. We collected around 4.5kg of rubbish from a 4,000 m2 area, and reported this to the MCS to help drive further conservation activity.

Thanks to Marcus Peacock, Maddy Legg, Katie Peterson, Kate Johnston, Katrina Raynsford, Debbie Mitchell, Kyle Poyser, Heaven White, Susan Owen, Damian Holberry, Kirsty Arnold, Jenny Hadley and Ben Rooke for volunteering their time.”

There’ll be more beach cleans later in the year, so keep a look out for more on that soon. In the meantime, check out carnivalsustainability.com to find out about our sustainability focus areas.


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