Cunard’s newest Queen is making her way to Southampton, ahead of her maiden voyage on Friday 3 May. Whilst Captain Inger and her crew are excitedly preparing for the first guests to join, we wanted to share a sneak preview of what is awaiting them on board!

Queen Anne’s journey home – where to watch her arrival on Tuesday!

Next Tuesday 30 April, Queen Anne will complete her sail back and arrive at her homeport of Southampton!  We know that many of our colleagues will want to celebrate this fantastic moment, so here’s where and when you can see Queen Anne, as she makes her way along The Solent and into Southampton Water:

Note: times are subject to change. 

  • Ryde and Gosport – 12:45 
  • Lee on Solent – 13:10 
  • Cowes – 13:10 
  • Calshot -13:20 
  • Hamble -13:30 
  • Royal Victoria Country Park & Weston Shore -14:00 
  • Hythe -14:15 
  • Mayflower Park – 14:30 
  • Mayflower Cruise Terminal – 14:45 

We’d love to see your photos as we all celebrate this momentous occasion. If you spot Queen Anne on her journey home, remember to tag us @CarnivalUKComms with #CUN4RD. 


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1 Comment

  1. David Openshaw on

    Why do no Cunard cruises start/finish in Liverpool, Cunards spiritual home. People in the north are penalised, surely cruises to Norway, Iceland etc could pick up and drop passengers off without them going down to Southampton at great expense. Another case of the north south divide.

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