Nicole Scherzinger, Arvia’s godmother and creative force behind Schhh, recently teamed up with P&O Cruises and cocktail expert Jean Vital Castellani to create a new cocktail to accompany Iona and Arvia’s exclusive new SkyDome entertainment experience.

The result is an exclusive new cocktail called the Schhh – a fiery blend of tequila, Aperol, passion fruit, pineapple, citrus and chilli that will light up your night. It’s served on the rocks with a rim of coconut sugar and Tajin, a salty, spicy, citrus seasoning. Garnished with lime and chilli, it looks every bit as sensational as it tastes.

Schhh will be available on holidays on board Iona from December 2023 and Arvia from 2024.

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