30 October – 5 November is National Fertility Awareness Week. A chance for us to break the silence, change perceptions about fertility treatment, and empower colleagues and line managers to find the support they need for any individual that is considering or experiencing it.

Continuing as usual at work and at home while going through fertility treatment can be a challenging time. Fertility treatment can increase your chance of having children and the process can be an exciting journey that results in a healthy pregnancy. But it can also be a rollercoaster of hope, anxiety, and disappointment.

Talking to someone about your fertility journey can be difficult, but here at Carnival UK there’s support and guidance you can access if you need it:

Fertility drop-in session

On Wednesday 1 November, 12:00 – 13:00, the Occupational Health and Wellbeing team will be holding a drop-in session in Tranquil Tides (floor 2) for anyone who has questions about fertility treatment or needs further support while at work.

Save the event to your diaries

If you’d prefer not to meet in person or you work from home, you can also email OHS@CarnivalUKGroup.com in confidence.

Further support: 

Let’s talk about fertility: Our fertility guides provide information about how you will be supported at Carnival UK if you are going through fertility treatment.

Manager’s Guide 

Employee Guide

Webinars: Fertility Network UK have some useful webinars that you can attend in your own time, providing information on any aspect of the fertility journey. You can access the full list of webinars here.

Mental Health First Aiders:  At Carnival UK, our Mental Health First Aiders and Champions are colleagues who’ve volunteered their time to take on the role of listening and signposting people to support when they need it.

Health Hero: As a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you and your immediate family have free and confidential access, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to Health Hero, your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). Find out more.  

10 tips on surviving infertility: Lucy Long, Senior People Business Partner here at CUK, has written a blog for the Huffington Post about her IVF journey, to break down the taboo of infertility and let others going through treatment know they’re not alone. Read Lucy’s blog here.

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