I’m delighted to welcome Katie McAlister who has officially started today as our new Cunard president.

As I’m sure you can imagine, the next few months will be full steam ahead settling into her new role, understanding the Cunard proposition, guest experience and operation and of course, meeting her team and colleagues from around the business. During this time Angus Struthers will continue in his current capacity to ensure a smooth handover until September to support her transition into role.

Katie has already started to immerse herself in the brand in the best possible way, as she had a holiday onboard QM2 in July with her family – I’m sure she will share her experience and first impressions of this with us all very soon.

I’m very excited about Katie’s contribution to the team and to the business and I am so looking forward to supporting her on her journey at Carnival UK and within Cunard.

Once again, I would like to thank Angus Struthers, David Jones and Clemmie Hodgin-Culver for stepping up whilst we concluded the recruitment process. Their leadership over this period will allow Katie to build on the exceptional work already undertaken to widen the appeal of Cunard and expand our guest base whilst retaining our signature brand experiences and luxury positioning.

Please join me in welcoming Katie – she is in Carnival House today so if you are in please do say hello and introduce yourself. 


Paul Ludlow
President, Carnival UK and P&O Cruises

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1 Comment

  1. Warm welcome Katie as the new president of Cunard. As a loyal Cunarder for 40+years, I trust you will keep the traditions of Cunard safe n well.

    In Love and Joy
    Michael Levy
    Author poet philosopher

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