Great news! There’s still time to enter the World of Cunard Competition – with lots of chances to win! Find out more below – and get your entries in by 21 May 2023. 

Five winners will be selected for bonus prizes of £100 in both March and April, and our overall World of Cunard Winner and runners up will be chosen by our White Star Service Committee at the end of the competition – with a top prize of up to £1,500 up for grabs for our overall winner and their team. 

Whether you’re currently working on board a Cunard ship, at one of our global offices, or supporting Cunard within SSO or another support function, we’d love for you to enter the competition and tell us what the World of Cunard means to you!

You can capture your ‘World of Cunard’ any way you like. We’ll accept videos, photographs, a story or poem, music, audio, art, or even dance…. You can do this on your own but even better have some fun with your team, friends, and colleagues! 

ENTER NOW! Competition info and full T&Cs, here

Need some inspiration? 

You may remember the first We are Cunard photography and video competition that ran back in 2019, when you got creative and showed us how you lived our Brand values? Here’s a reminder of some of the fantastic entries we received: 

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