January 2023 saw Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria depart for their Centenary World Voyages – two celebratory itineraries to mark the 100th anniversary of Cunard’s pioneering world cruise.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, the theme for this year’s We are Cunard competition will be the ‘World of Cunard’ – with some fantastic prizes up for grabs for our winners and runners up, including the prestigious Cunard Trophy, funds towards your team’s office party kitty, or your Crew Welfare Fund if you’re on board.

There’s lots of chances to win, too! Five winners will be selected for bonus prizes of £100 in both March and April, and our overall World of Cunard Winner and runners up will be chosen by our White Star Service Committee at the end of the competition – with up to £1,500 up for grabs. 

What does the World of Cunard mean to you?

With our fleet sailing all over the world, and a hundred years of history since our first-ever world cruise, we know that the ‘World of Cunard’ will represent something different to each of you.

It could be the destinations you visit. The people you work with, ship and shore. Your Cunard adventures with friends and family. A favourite ship or Cunard venue, or the outstanding White Star Service you provide, day in, day out. Whatever it might be – whether you’re currently working on board a Cunard ship, at one of our global offices, or supporting Cunard, we’d love for you to enter the competition!

You can capture your ‘World of Cunard’ any way you like. We’ll accept videos, photographs, a story or poem, music, audio, art, or even dance…. You can do this on your own but even better have some fun with your team, friends, and colleagues!

Submit your entries here for the chance to win!

When creating your entries:

  • Be thoughtful of our guests and do not involve or impact them
  • Stay safe – don’t put yourself or anyone else at risk
  • Use your phone to video or take a photo – no fancy cameras needed
  • If you want to use video, keep your video to 60 seconds or less
  • You can submit as many entries as you like

Where in the World of Cunard will the trophy go next?

You may remember the first We are Cunard Competition that ran back in 2019, when you got creative and showed us how you lived our Brand values!

Daniela Buda, Photographer on board Queen Elizabeth was crowned as our overall winner and the ship was awarded with our prestigious Cunard Competition Trophy! The trophy has now been collected from Queen Elizabeth, its home for the past four years – and is ready for its next adventure – with a new winner.

Where in the World of Cunard will the trophy end up next? Enter the competition for the chance to earn the We are Cunard trophy a place on your ship or in your office. Stay tuned to find out!

Here’s what you need to know before entering the World of Cunard competition:

Terms & conditions:

  • The World of Cunard Competition is open to all Cunard Fleet, Cunard colleagues at CUK (and those colleagues supporting Cunard), and colleagues at the Cunard Global Offices (North America, Germany, Japan and Australasia)
  • Entries can be submitted as individuals or teams. If sharing a video, please ensure you have permission from everyone who features in your entry before submitting
  • Please note: Maximum entry file size for upload to the competition form is 20MB
  • If you would like to upload bigger files to support your entry, you can upload them to this SharePoint folder if you’re on the network, or alternatively WeTransfer them to whitestarservice@carnivalukgroup.com 
  • Winners will be selected by our Shoreside White Star Service Committee – made up of representatives from across the business
  • This competition closes on 21 May 2023 

If you have any questions about the competition, please contact: whitestarservice@carnivalukgroup.com 

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