Are you experiencing menopause symptoms, or perhaps want to find out more about how you can support a friend or family member who is?

Starting on Tuesday 28 March at 11:00, our OH and Wellbeing Team will be running a monthly Menopause Café in Las Palmas room in Carnival House – a chance for you to connect with others, share your experiences and access resources.

Everyone is welcome – so bring cup of tea or coffee, and we’ll provide the cake!

Save a reminder for the March café to your diaries, and look out for invites to our upcoming monthly cafés on 27 April and 16 May. 

Let’s talk about the Menopause

At Carnival UK, we’re passionate about creating a great place to work and keeping all our people safe and well. This means supporting you to do your best, and be at your best, while you’re at work.

We want menopause to be talked about openly and without embarrassment. Menopause is a natural part of life, and it isn’t always an easy transition for all, but with the right support it can be much better.

While not everyone suffers with symptoms, supporting those who do will improve their experience at work and in their personal lives.

More information about hormonal health is also available here.

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