As we come to the end of 2022 and reflecting on all the extraordinary things we’ve achieved, it’s time to start thinking about the year ahead and setting our goals for 2023. 

Our goal setting conversation window is open from 6 December – 15 January. 

Goals are essential for us all, they’re the reason ‘why’ and help us to focus on what matters, supporting us to prioritise our activity. So, to build on our progress in 2022 and set ourselves up for success in 2023, we need you to start preparing for your goal setting conversation where you’ll have the opportunity to talk openly with your manager about your development needs and aspirations: to be the best you can be in 2023.  

As you start to prepare for your goal setting conversation with your manager, think about what you want to achieve for yourself and your career, as well as for the business.

Choosing the right goals for you...
Consider your performance goals, which focus on significant pieces of work or a change or activity over the year ahead, and make a plan to achieve them by limiting the number you set yourself, ensuring they’re SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound). You can find tips on how to do this here.

Think about behaviours and development that might be needed to help you achieve your goals – i.e. how are you going to get there? These can be recorded in the success criteria of your performance goals.

Build a plan and review it regularly
In view of the ever-changing landscape we’re working in, protect time in your day by focusing on setting quarterly short-term goals. These can be reviewed and adjusted throughout the year, to ensure they stay relevant and realistic.

You may also have a focus on longer term goals too; if that’s the case it’s useful to set quarterly milestones to make sure you’re clear on what you’re measuring throughout the year. Think about how your performance goals contribute to your learning, development and progression. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at this guide to help get you started on your own individual development plan.

Keep it specific and review your progress often
Think about whether the goals you set can be measured as you’ll need to provide updates throughout the year and reflect on your overall progression during your end of year conversation in 2023.
Take time to check in on your performance against our Culture Essentials
Our Culture Essentials are clear behaviours for both our shoreside and fleet colleagues that every brand in our Carnival family champions so we can build an even stronger culture, together. You’ll continue to be assessed against these behaviours in 2023, in addition to the delivery of your goals. Start to think about how you operate and set development goals that grow and shape these behaviours, enabling you to perform at your best.

Input your goals into myHR portal

Once you’ve identified all your goals, you’ll need to add them to myHR portal by 15 January 2023. For further support on how to add your goals, take a look at the guidance on The Bridge here.

Further support

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity, so don’t forget to set reminders to keep yourself on track and make time to review your goals regularly. To help you with this take a look at some of our additional sources of support here:

If you have any questions after reading the guidance, please contact our People Support team at or call 023 8065 6666.

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