With the Christmas holidays fast approaching (and possibly some snow on the horizon!) it’s important to remember that although it may be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, the festive period can affect our wellbeing in lots of different ways.  
For those that celebrate Christmas, it can be a time that puts extra pressure on us, whether that’s emotionally and mentally, physically, or even financially. If you or someone you know is struggling, there’s lots of help available. 
If you’re looking for some support, Mind.org.uk have shared some tips to help you cope this Christmas. We’ve also rounded-up some further resources below:  

Dealing with financial worries  

How you cope with the costs of Christmas will depend on your circumstances, but Christmas time can be especially difficult if you’re already struggling with money. And for many of us, the recent rises in costs of living will have made things even harder. Struggling financially can make us feel worried, embarrassed or angry, but it’s important not to blame yourself for your situation or how you’re feeling about it. Click here for more support from Mind. 
If you missed it, you can also watch the recording of our recent ‘cost of living tips and money mindset’ webinar, here

Protect and Respect each other 
Christmas means different things to different people. You might feel like you’re sharing a celebration, but it may bring up very different feelings for someone else who might not feel the same way. Mind have also shared some ideas to help you support someone who finds Christmas hard. Click here.  
Now we’re entering the colder months we also typically start to see an increase in winter illnesses. To Protect and Respect all colleagues it’s important to be considerate and stay at home if we’re feeling unwell and work remotely if you’re feeling able to. This includes usual winter illnesses such as colds and flu. 

We’re here if you need us 
At Carnival UK, Our Mental Health First Aiders and Champions are all colleagues who’ve volunteered their time to take on the role of listening and signposting people to support when they need it. A list of our MHFAs is available here. 
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