A huge thank you to everyone who entered our Mental Health Matters raffle, in support of our CUK charity partner, Monty’s. Your raffle entries helped us to raise an incredible £1,360 for this brilliant cause!

Our raffle winners have now been drawn at random.  The first prize up for grabs was a 7-night P&O Cruises holiday and we’ve also thrown in wellbeing goodie bags for 5 lucky runners up to take away!

To enter the raffle, we asked you to purchase a ticket and send us a wellbeing top tip. We’ve been sent  some brilliant tips and suggestions that are too good not to share with others – so please keep an eye out for a new series of wellbeing tips in the Weekly Update every Friday. Hopefully you will learn or be able to try something new to help improve your own wellbeing. 

And the winners are… 

1st Prize, and the winner of a 7-night P&O Cruises Holiday is: 

Gemma Jones, Employee Communications Manager

Gemma’s Top tip: “Be kind to yourself. Breathing exercises and mediation does wonders.”

Our 5 runners up and the winners of a wellbeing goodie bag are: 

  • Laura Robey. 
  • Magdalena Dickinson
  • Fiona Chalmers
  • Tony Foster 
  • Kasia Waters

Please email: ohs@carnivalukgroup.com to claim your prize! 

A huge congratulations to our winners, and a big thanks again to all those who entered the raffle!  Here’s a reminder of where the money you’ve helped us to raise will go:

Monty’s Community Hub helps families and people in need – providing a food bank, bike hub and other services to improve their lifestyle and living conditions for people in the area. For those people, Monty’s work has a real impact on their wellbeing providing them with happiness, confidence, and improving their physical and mental health.  Find out more about Monty’s and our other charity partnerships, here 

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