Throughout November we’ll be sharing information about addiction, the symptoms, and where to go for support if you, or someone you know is struggling.

Check out our new Managing Addictions page, to learn more

What is addiction?
Addiction is a recognised illness that affects the way the brain functions. It’s the way your body craves a substance or behaviour, especially if it causes a compulsive or obsessive “reward” and a lack of concern over consequences to your health, or family and friends.

1 in 3 people have an addiction of some kind and it can come in the form of any substance or behaviour. The most well-known and serious addiction is to drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is a very misunderstood illness, and there is still a certain amount of stigma attached to it.

Need support?

If you’ve noticed changes in the way you’re thinking or feeling that concern you or cause you distress, you can always consider going to see your GP or speaking to someone from our employee assistance support networks.

Our Mental health First Aiders and Champions can also provide support and signpost you to additional help if you need it.

People Managers: Check out our latest Shore Drug & Alcohol Misuse Guidance, here. 

Visit the Wellbeing Hub for more information on a range of topics – including managing addictions.

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