At Carnival UK, our Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs) and Mental Health Champions (MHCs) are all colleagues who’ve volunteered their time to take on the role of listening and signposting people to support when they need it.

We asked some of our Mental Health volunteers to tell us a bit more about why they wanted to take on the role, and what they do to make sure they’re kind to their mind.

This week, meet Romy, Jack, Tyrone, and James.

Romy Barton (MHFA)
Senior Analyst, Finance Business Partnering

Why did you become a Mental Health First Aider?  
I wanted to gain the skills to spot the warning signs of someone experiencing mental health issues and provide support and guidance.

I am passionate about creating an environment where people feel comfortable to speak up about their mental health, as well as promoting ways of working that are positive for wellbeing. I’m currently studying for a Masters in Workplace Health and Wellbeing so I can further my knowledge on how I can support the mental health and wellbeing of people at work.

How are you kind to your mind?
Even on my busiest days, I try to make sure I do small things that contribute to my wellbeing, like taking a walk, talking to a friend, or listening to a podcast. Try to consciously focus on your wellbeing every single day. Just like you aim to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables, aim to make time for at least a few wellbeing enhancing activities every day.


Jack Brooke
Category Manager – Ports and Shore | Procurement / Shared Services

Why did you want to become a Mental Health Champion?
I’m looking forward to completing my Mental Health Champion training. Like many, I’ve had my own personal battles with mental health, however, my battles were perhaps smaller and concerning confidence.

Some people have such great potential, which is sometimes overlooked through their lack of lack of confidence. Tackling this is something I’d like to be involved in, especially since Carnival UK offers such a fantastic environment for personal growth.

When it comes to being kind to your mind, can you share a top tip?
A smile and a ‘hello’ can go a long way.


Tyrone Hayward (MHC)
Senior Personal Cruise Advisor

Why did you become a Mental Health Champion?

I don’t like to see people suffering on their own and feeling like they have no one to turn to. Being able to help people and see the change in them makes me happy.

I’ve completed energy psychology courses in the past, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and EmoTrance. I’m also a Reiki Class 2 practitioner, which gives me an understanding of people’s emotions. I have my MHFA course next week and I’m really looking forward to joining the MHFA team!

How are you kind to your mind?
I always have a positive outlook on life, and love problem solving. If I have a problem myself, I try to look for the solution. One thing I need to do is not overthink things and remember my ‘chimp’ is not in control, I am.


James Atherton (MHFA)
Contact Centre Training Specialist (P&O Cruises and Cunard)

Why did you become a Mental Health First Aider?
I knew the training would help with my day-to-day life – both professionally and outside of work, where I’m exposed to many different people with various backgrounds. Being a MHFA helps me to recognise signs of ill mental health, so I can support those who need it.

How are you kind to your mind?
I like going for walks and I started boxing a couple of years ago which has helped massively. Just generally talking about things and getting things off my chest to either my partner or friends helps so much – so things aren’t bottled up.


We’re here if you need us
Our MHFAs have all completed an accredited MHFA England course and are equipped with skills to lead confidential mental health colleague conversations, alongside raising awareness, reducing stigma and discrimination. Our MHCs have completed a Carnival UK Mental Health Awareness course and are equally equipped to help colleagues by connecting them to additional mental health support.

If you’d like confidential, mental health support, you can contact any of our MHFAs or MHCs here.

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