It’s the start of a new month and as we continue our focus on development, we’re spotlighting another example of how one of our colleagues has been focusing on their own development journey. Here’s Lisa’s story…

Introducing Lisa Reynolds, Interior Design Co-ordination Manager (Newbuild)

Before working for Carnival UK, much of my background was in Marketing, working as a Marketing Assistant for 7 years and completing a Master’s Degree in Marketing Management. I started at CUK in 2012 as a Market Research Executive in the Insights team, on a 12- month fixed term contract. While a part of the insights team I really felt like I’d found my career path. I took every opportunity to develop my skills and push myself outside of my comfort zone, taking part in online and in-person courses to help both me in my career and the business. In 2015 I was promoted to Assistant Research Manager and in 2016, promoted again to Market Research Manager.

Through a varied career path, I’m now in the new build team coordinating the interior design for Arvia and Queen Anne.

 Striving to learn…

When I joined CUK, despite having completed research during my dissertation, I hadn’t worked in a market research role before. I felt really fortunate that the company took a chance on me. In the last 10 years I’ve had several managers recognise my potential and encourage me to try new things. Its taken a lot of self encouragement too – you need to know your direction even if you don’t know which path to take just yet.

Stepping out of my comfort zone…

Having worked in market research for 6 years I started to get the urge for a new challenge. I’m a big believer that it’s never too late, and although I started my career in marketing, when I saw an opportunity to join Carnival UK, I took it!

During an enabling conversation with my line manager, I was honest about wanting to try something new and within a couple of months HR had found me a 12-month secondment into the MyCruise project as Guest Lead. I knew I enjoyed managing the market research studies, so project management felt like a natural progression. Initially, I turned down the secondment, believing there was no way I could help build a website – that seemed like a step too far outside of my comfort zone! Eventually after some further conversations I agreed that, although scary, it was a great opportunity. Working on MyCruise was probably the most challenging role I’ve had. There was a lot of demand and a lot of learning on the job, yet despite the challenges I would do it all over again.

Never too late to try something new…

MyCruise led me to my current role, project managing the interior design of Arvia and Queen Anne. Again, not something that I’d ever considered doing before (I didn’t even know it was a job 5 years ago), but something that I really love and feel grateful to be part of. Working on MyCrusie made me stronger and gave me real belief in myself – all things that really help when dealing with the Shipyard during a pandemic.

Cunard will take ownership of Queen Anne at the end of next year and after that, I don’t know where my career will take me. I know I love working for CUK and enjoy project management. I also know I can turn my hand to most things and it’s never too late to try something new!

My top tips for learning and development:
  • My biggest piece of advice is to be your own advocate, push for learning and development opportunities
  • Have open & honest conversations with your line manager
  • Make the most of your 121’s, enabling conversations and end of year reviews – they all help you to understand what it is that you enjoy and how you can make the most out of your career
  • Develop an Individual Development plan (IDP) to understand your skills & areas for development and what you enjoy doing the most
Want to learn more about the support that’s available for your development journey?
We want everyone to have the opportunity to be brilliant at delivering Unforgettable Holiday Happiness. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to your development, then building an Individual Development Plan (IDP) will help you pinpoint where to focus and how to get there. Why not take the first step today by checking out this handy guide and take the My Best Me Quiz available on The Cove.
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