As we continue to deliver unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests, we love to hear from colleagues on board as they travel the world. This week we caught up with Hanako Ozaki, Guest Operations Coordinator on board Queen Elizabeth who told us all about a recent fun run in Cartegana.

“Keeping everyone engaged and fit and well whist on board is one of the challenges we’ve faced while we’ve been at level 2 (Covid protocols). That’s why when we were able to relax restrictions we took the first opportunity to organise a ship wide fun run!

We had a perfect sunny afternoon during a Port of Call in Cartegana, a destination that offers astonishing nature activities that are easily accessible from the port.

We started our fun run from Puerto de Cartagena all the way to Castle of Galeras , the highest point being  215m, the distance approximately 5km each way.

The castle is perfectly situated on a mountain between Atalaya Fort to the north and the Fajardo Battery to the south. When we reached the top, the view of the city of Cartagena, its neighbouring cities and the high mountains in the backdrop certainly helped sooth our quads which were crying out by then!

During the run we learned more about our colleagues, their families, their interests, and what keeps them on board, but we learned more about ourselves; we didn’t quit when the sun was shining so brightly, nor when we saw that the trail was becoming more intense.

We ensured the safety of everyone and winning wasn’t the goal, the goal was “no one is left behind”. Our comradeship certainly shined as bright as the sun that afternoon!”

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